Urological cancers affect organs in the urinary and reproductive tract, including the bladder, kidney, ureter (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), penis, and in men, the prostate. They can also spread to other parts of the body.

People with urethral cancer can try active surveillance, where doctors follow them without giving them treatment unless there are changes in their test results. Other options include surgery and chemotherapy.


A cancerous growth forms in the cells that line your kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. These are called urologic cancers, and both men and women can develop them. They’re more common in older men.

Bladder cancer is the most common type. It starts in the cells that line your bladder, which expand when it’s full and contract when it’s empty. These same cells line the inside of your kidneys and ureters, so bladder cancer can also start in those tissues.

Symptoms vary, depending on the location of the tumor. Prostate cancer may cause a dull ache in the abdomen or groin, or a pain or lump in your penis or testicle. Prostate cancer can also affect urination, so you might feel the need to urinate often or have blood in your urine (hematuria). In some cases, cancers that begin in the urethra don’t cause any symptoms at all.

urology specialist Melbourne diagnose urologic cancers using lab tests, imaging studies, and biopsy. They also may recommend a treatment strategy that doesn’t involve surgery, such as active surveillance or other monitoring methods. Other treatments include chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In addition, biologic therapies (also known as biotherapy or immunotherapy) encourage your own immune system to fight cancer cells. They’re used to treat prostate, kidney, and bladder cancer. A less common procedure is cryoablation, which freezes cancerous tissue to kill it


The urinary tract carries urine from the kidneys through the ureters (thin tubs of muscle on each side of the body), into the bladder and urethra. The four types of cancer that can affect the urinary tract include bladder, kidney, prostate and testicular.

The first step in diagnosing these cancers is for a physician to perform a physical exam of the pelvis and rectal area. Blood tests, a urine sample and a biopsy will also likely be ordered.

A biopsy is a tissue sample that doctors can look at under a microscope to see if cancer cells are present. Typically, this is done before surgery, but it may be performed after other treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy to confirm the diagnosis.

Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams such as x-rays to control or kill cancer cells. It is used in place of or in addition to surgery for urological cancers such as those of the bladder, kidney, prostate and testicles in men and women. It can also be used to treat some noncancerous growths. Chemotherapy is a type of drug that uses chemicals to stop the growth of cancer cells or prevent them from multiplying. It can be taken by mouth or injected directly into a body cavity, such as the abdomen. It can also be put into the urethra through a catheter.


The urinary tract is vital to our health. It removes waste and sends us urine, which contains nutrients for our body. When the organs of this system develop cancer, it can be very serious and cause discomfort. This includes the bladder (which stores urine until it is ready to exit), ureters, prostate and penis. Cancers that occur in these organs are called urologic cancers, and they can be found in men and women of any age.

The treatment options for urological cancers vary, depending on the specific tumor and your needs. But they may include surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. You might also receive biologic therapy, which encourages your body’s natural immune system to fight disease.

For instance, if you have a tumor on your urethra, a doctor might perform surgery to remove the affected area or give you a tube to pass urine. Alternatively, he or she might use a procedure known as cryoablation to freeze tissue, which kills cancer cells.

The chance that a urologic cancer will return after treatment depends on the type and stage of the tumor. You might need to have regular checkups and tests for signs of a recurrence. This is often called active surveillance.


Cancer is a disease that occurs when cells become abnormal and grow out of control. Cells typically multiply and die as they should, but a change in the genetic code (mutation) can lead to uncontrollable growth of new cells and formation of a tumor. Mutations can be caused by exposure to radiation or chemicals, poor diet, certain medical conditions and genes.

Urologic cancers affect the organs of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. Four types of cancers are associated with this system, including bladder, prostate, kidney and testicular cancer. Fortunately, these cancers are often preventable through changes in lifestyle and adherence to medical advice.

Men should regularly visit their urologist for screening, especially when they are older than 40. They should also talk to their doctor if they notice any unusual symptoms, such as blood in the urine, pain in the groin or pelvis area, a weak stream of urine or trouble holding in urine when urinating.

The most common treatment for urologic cancers is surgery, which removes the tumor and any surrounding unhealthy tissue. Depending on the type of cancer, doctors may also use chemotherapy or radiation to kill remaining cancer cells. They may also recommend targeted therapy, which uses drugs to attack cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. For all cancer treatments, patients should work closely with their urologists to manage side effects and follow their doctors’ advice.

While the eyes, lips, and nose are typically considered the most prominent features of a person’s face, a contoured jawline is crucial for your facial complexion. Fortunately, plastic surgery for a better jawline, along with a variety of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, is available for sculpting the perfect jawline.

For patients bothered by large fat pockets beneath their chin, buccal fat reduction can slim the lower face and enhance the angularity of the chin.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a cosmetic technique that uses your own body’s fat to plump, lift and enhance areas of the face. The procedure can address issues like hollowed cheeks, creases and wrinkles around the eyes and temples, or a lack of definition in the chin or jawline. It can also be used to smooth and soften nasolabial folds or marionette lines, or add volume to the lips and lip line.

The fat transfer procedure starts by extracting excess fat from another area of the body using liposuction techniques. Next, the fat is centrifuged to separate pure fat from other materials and prepare it for injection into the facial areas in need of rejuvenation. Once the fat is ready, it’s injected into the face with syringes in precise locations and at varying depths to achieve desired results.

The grafted fat creates a small valley and peak where it’s injected, creating a natural-looking contour in the treated areas. This helps define the cheekbones and the jawline, giving you a more balanced appearance overall. Swelling typically dissipates within a few days, and you can resume light activity after two weeks. Unlike dermal fillers, the effects of fat transfer are long-lasting and can be maintained with regular follow-up treatments. The treatment can be combined with other procedures to further refine and perfect the results.


Biologically, men with a strong, chiseled jawline are believed to be more attractive and better at attracting members of the opposite sex for mating purposes. However, for many men, a weak chin and jawline can make them look stooped over and less masculine, especially in the age of selfies and social media. The good news is that Dean White Melbourne plastic surgeon have surgical and non-surgical procedures that can help increase definition and projection in the jaw and chin to make you look healthier, fitter, and more confident.

For those who aren’t ready to undergo a facelift or neck lift, injectables can also be used to sculpt the jawline and chin. Dermal fillers like Voluma can add volume and structure to the jawline for a more masculine appearance, while Kybella injections can target fat cells in the chin to help it appear more pronounced.

Another great option is Radiesse, a calcium hydroxylapatite-based filler that can contour the cheeks and jawline for a more chiseled look. Sculptra, a poly-L-lactic acid-based filler that stimulates collagen production, is another great choice for those who want to rejuvenate their looks and reduce the signs of aging. Finally, Botox can be used to relax the masseter muscles (the muscles that help you chew) to narrow a wide jawline or improve the appearance of a double chin.


A chiseled jawline can give your face a rugged, masculine appearance. While diet and exercise can shape your body, they cannot target stubborn fat in the chin or neck that can contribute to a soft or less defined jawline. In some cases, a patient will need a surgical procedure to contour their ideal jawline.

For patients experiencing significant sagging of the lower face and loss of skin elasticity, a surgical procedure like a mini facelift or full face lift may be required to sculpt their ideal jawline. The facelift procedure will reposition the mandibular ligament to create a more pronounced, chiseled jawline. The lower part of the face will also be reshaped, including a reduction in jowls or the removal of excess fat.

Liposuction can be used to remove moderate to large amounts of fat deposits around the chin and jawline area for a more pronounced, chiseled appearance. Liposuction can be performed alone or in conjunction with a neck lift for more comprehensive results.

Another surgery that can be used to sculpt the jawline is called a Forma treatment, which is a minimally invasive office procedure that uses radiofrequency energy and helium plasma to tighten the skin. The procedure will result in a more chiseled and defined jawline and a firmer, tighter neck. Maintenance treatments every 1 to 2 years are typically needed to preserve the results of a Forma treatment.


Associate Professor Dean White
The Avani Building, Suite 1, Level 1/12 Nelson Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
(03) 9895 7631


Ensuring optimal foot health is paramount for both athletic excellence and everyday comfort. Podiatrists play a crucial role in enhancing foot health and promoting overall well-being through a spectrum of treatment modalities.

In scenarios where conventional over-the-counter remedies fail to resolve conditions like athlete’s foot, podiatrists step in with prescription-strength antifungal treatments, alongside advocating for proactive hygiene practices to thwart recurrence.

Athlete’s Foot, a common fungal infection known as tinea pedis, manifests as itchy, scaly skin, predominantly between the toes. Its contagious nature underscores the importance of preventive measures, given its propensity to spread in damp communal areas or through ill-ventilated footwear.

Embracing a functional medicine approach, podiatrists focus on rebalancing the body and fortifying the immune system. This involves dietary adjustments, herbal remedies such as the Candida diet, and targeted antifungal interventions to curtail the infection’s persistence.

This article delves into various foot ailments, including plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails, and heel pain, elucidating diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities employed by podiatrists to alleviate discomfort and restore mobility. Physical therapy in podiatry emerges as a pivotal adjunct, addressing underlying structural imbalances and fostering comprehensive patient well-being.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot (also called tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that appears as itchy, scaly skin on the feet, especially between the toes. This highly contagious condition can be spread from person to person by sharing grooming tools walking barefoot in damp public spaces such as locker rooms and shared showers, or wearing shoes that do not allow proper airflow. Fungal infections that are left untreated may spread to the hands, nails, or groin, and can be difficult to treat once they have taken hold.

A functional medicine for athlete foot management focuses on restoring balance to the body and immune system. This is achieved through dietary and herbal treatments, including the Candida diet, which reduces fungus overgrowth. The podiatrist will also recommend an antifungal cream that is applied to the skin for 2-4 weeks, or oral medications that are taken daily to kill the fungus and prevent future infections.

Other treatment options include a thorough podiatric exam and the use of natural cotton and wool socks that absorb moisture, along with shoe powder to help minimize wetness inside the shoes. In addition, the doctor can prescribe custom orthotics to provide support and correct foot structure and alignment, and surgical procedures to address severe bunions or deformities. A pediatric podiatrist is trained to work with children, optimizing their foot development and addressing problems early.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a pain in the bottom of your heel that is usually worse when you stand or walk. It is caused by micro-tears in the fascia that are not healed properly. This causes chronic inflammation. Pain is often worse in the morning when you take your first steps out of bed or after prolonged periods of sitting. It may also be aggravated by running or jumping. The condition is more common in individuals with flat feet or high arches, and those who wear poorly fitting shoes or are overweight.

Your doctor diagnoses plantar fasciitis by performing a physical exam to see how tender the area is. They will ask you to flex your foot and point your toes. They will note if the pain is worse as you flex and better when you point your toes. They may also order an X-ray or MRI to make sure that you don’t have another injury that could be causing your heel pain.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis includes massage, stretching, and avoiding walking or standing for long periods of time. Adding arch support to your shoes can help reduce pressure on the plantar fascia. A podiatry consult can help identify the best type of shoe for you. You can also learn how to stretch your foot and calf muscles from a physical therapist or other health care provider.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails often occur as a result of trauma to the nail or improperly cut nails. Your podiatrists will recommend changes within your daily routine to help prevent ingrown toenails, such as wearing shoes that fit well, trimming the toenails straight across, and not cutting the corners of the nails.

For mild ingrown toenails, your podiatrist may suggest you lift the corner of the affected nail and insert cotton, dental floss, or a splint under it. This separates the toenail from the skin, which allows it to grow above the nail fold without causing pain and discomfort. This should be done regularly, at home.

If conservative treatment is not effective, or the toenail has become embedded in the skin, you will need to see a foot and ankle specialist for minor office surgery. This is a fast and virtually painless procedure performed under local anesthesia, and it involves removing the portion of the toenail that is growing into the skin.

In some cases, the toenail may need to be removed completely, in a process called ablation. This is also a quick and relatively painless procedure, but it is usually only necessary if the toenail has recurred several times and other methods of treatment have not been successful. The foot and ankle surgeon will select the best treatment for your particular case, depending on your age, health status, and the severity of the toenail overgrowth.

Heel Pain

The fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot can also lead to other painful conditions, like toenail fungus (onychomycosis) and psoriasis. In these cases, the skin on the feet can become scaly, peeling, cracked, or blistered. It may start between the fourth and fifth toes and can spread to the soles and heel of the foot, often resulting in large, painful fissures (calluses).

A podiatrist will examine the affected areas for redness, itching, cracking, scaling, flaking, and other signs and symptoms. They may also perform a KOH test, which involves scraping a small sample of the affected area and treating it with potassium hydroxide to reveal any fungal elements.

Podiatrists can treat these conditions by removing the thickened areas of skin, prescribing cushioning pads, and addressing the underlying cause, such as wearing shoes that don’t fit well. They can also prescribe oral or topical antifungals to fight the fungus and help prevent its return.

Physical therapy in podiatry goes beyond treating injuries and conditions by uncovering and caring for underlying structural, postural, and neuromuscular imbalances that can cause pain and other complications. Combined with a strong partnership between podiatrists and physical therapists, this holistic approach optimizes patient outcomes, ensuring they’re able to return to their normal, active lifestyles.

Prioritizing foot health is vital not only for athletes aiming for peak performance but for everyone seeking enduring comfort and mobility in their daily lives. Choosing a podiatrist will play a pivotal role in diagnosing, treating, and preventing a range of foot conditions, from fungal infections like athlete’s foot to chronic issues like plantar fasciitis and ingrown toenails. By embracing a holistic approach that combines medical expertise with preventive measures and physical therapy, podiatrists empower individuals to overcome foot ailments and pursue active, pain-free lifestyles. Ultimately, investing in foot health today ensures a foundation for lifelong well-being and vitality.

While chiropractors cannot straighten your spine in the curative sense that a brace does, they can help alleviate pain and improve posture. Chiropractors often combine spinal adjustments with stretches and exercises to manage scoliosis in adults.

After examining your scoliosis through x-ray and initial exam, a trusted scoliosis chiropractor cultivates an individualized treatment plan for you. This might include soft tissue treatments like massage, ultrasound and kinesio taping.

Spinal Alignment

If your spine is misaligned, you might feel pain in other parts of the body due to uneven pressure on your nerves and joints. This is why it is crucial to get regular chiropractic treatments. The treatment can improve the spinal curve, reduce muscle tension and joint strain, and help alleviate the symptoms of scoliosis.

The first thing a chiropractor will do is examine your posture and alignment. Then they will use their hands and multiple tools to perform spinal manipulations. These movements stop inflammation, loosen tight muscles, and correct the spinal curvature. For instance, if your scoliosis affects the thoracic vertebrae in your mid to upper back, spinal manipulation can give them more space to expand and make breathing easier.

In some cases, this can even reduce the overall curve of your spine, a study in the Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation found. It can also slow the progression of scoliosis in children and adolescents, making it less likely that they will require surgery later on.

While chiropractic care is unable to straighten your spine completely, it can significantly improve the curve and manage your symptoms. In addition to spinal adjustments, they might use flexion distraction to “stretch out” thinned areas in your spinal discs. They might also provide massage therapy to relieve muscles that are tight and tense from scoliosis.

Muscle and Joint Pain Relief

Chiro Balwyn North can help you ease muscle and joint pain associated with scoliosis through spinal manipulation, soft tissue treatment and physical therapy. They can also recommend exercises to improve posture and mobility as well as provide a variety of prescription pain medications, including steroids.

Unlike other conditions, treating scoliosis isn’t about getting joints “unstuck.” Instead, it’s about finding out where the curve in the spine is adding pressure and causing nerve problems. X-rays and an initial exam reveal this information, which allows the chiropractor to develop a scoliosis treatment plan that will correct the problem over time while alleviating symptoms.

Spinal adjustments can also make breathing easier if your scoliosis affects the thoracic vertebrae in your mid to upper back. This is because when the spine is correctly aligned, they can expand to give the lungs room.

During a typical chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor tilts and rotates the spine while delivering a thrust to realign it. However, a scoliosis adjustment isn’t performed in the same way because it can worsen a curvature by adding more tension to it. Instead, a chiropractor uses non-rotatory methods such as the Activator method, Gonstead or Diversified technique, which avoid the twisting movements that can cause additional issues. These techniques also reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in patients with scoliosis. In addition to spinal adjustments, your chiropractor can use manual therapies such as heat and ice to soothe painful muscles and soft tissues. They can also use massage therapy to reduce knots and trigger points and help improve the range of motion in the shoulders and neck.

Postural Correction

When your spine is properly aligned, it relieves pressure on the muscles and nerves in your back. This helps prevent the curve of your spine from causing pain and discomfort in other areas, including the neck, shoulders, hips, and buttocks. A chiropractor can use manual adjustments to help restore proper spinal alignment and reduce pain in these areas.

Your chiropractor may also offer massage therapy, such as deep tissue and cranial-sacral techniques. This can ease tension in the back muscles, release trigger points, and improve circulation. When combined with stretches and rehabilitation exercises, massage can help you manage the pain and discomfort associated with scoliosis.

A chiropractor can also show you stretches and exercises that you can perform at home to strengthen the muscles that support your joints, core, and spine. Performing these stretches and exercises can help prevent your scoliosis from progressing, so you can enjoy a healthier, happier life.

Traditional scoliosis treatment options like bracing and surgery can be invasive and expensive. However, chiropractic care can improve spinal alignment, reduce pain, and improve mobility without requiring any invasive surgeries. If you are dealing with scoliosis, contact a chiropractor today to learn more about how they can help with your condition. If your scoliosis is mild, the sooner you seek treatment, the better. This can prevent your scoliosis from worsening over time, which could lead to permanent damage.

Increased Mobility

Having healthy range of motion is essential to the body. Without it, even the most mundane tasks can become a painful chore or even dangerous. This is because your body will compensate for a lack of mobility by using muscles that may not be strong enough to perform certain movements. This can cause low-stakes activities like stepping over a puddle to result in injury.

During your appointment, your chiropractor will probably use spinal manipulation to help increase the range of motion of your joints. This technique is similar to those performed by osteopaths and physiotherapists. It involves a short, sharp thrust of the spine. You might hear popping or cracking sounds as the bones in your spine shift into a more flexible position.

Chiropractors also treat the other joints in your body, such as those in your hips and feet. They might use soft tissue therapy to ease muscle spasms and tightness, or they may use joint bracing and kinesio taping.

Before you schedule an appointment with a chiropractor, it is important to consult your physician for advice. They may want you to avoid certain types of treatment, especially if you have a herniated disc or fragile bones. Also, be sure to tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking. In many cases, chiropractic care is covered by health insurance.

services-page-symptoms2The services offered by a physiotherapist Unley provides relief and rehabilitation for pain, joint problems, chronic conditions and injuries sustained from a myriad of sources. The exercise therapy can be performed with or without equipment, depending upon the specific needs and abilities of the patient. The clinic has a fully equipped and air-conditioned Pilates studio and all sessions are conducted under the guidance of a professional physiotherapist.

Clinical Pilates is often referred to as mat Pilates. It focuses on building strength in the core, pelvic floor, abdomen, hips and lower back for greater stability, coordination, balance and endurance. The flowing moves use the body’s weight for resistance and are utilized to improve flexibility, align the body, and can be accomplished on a mat or while standing.

The technique improves posture, agility and is especially beneficial for those with inflammation, joint related diseases, following surgical interventions, and those just beginning a rehabilitation program. Pilates Adelaide has the added advantage that it can be performed at home for continuing care when approved by an Adelaide physiotherapist.

Clinical Pilates utilizes breathing techniques and teaches the body and mind to work together. It’s particularly effective for pain and injuries of the back and neck. Specific exercise movements are used that maximizes physical gains.

Equipment Pilates is a type of therapy that’s more focused on a specific area of the body and utilizes an exercise machine that can be adjusted to accommodate the individual. The versatility of the equipment enables even people in a cast to begin strengthening and rehabilitating an injury.

The use of equipment Pilates is effective during the healing process to regain mobility in the affected area and to maintain strength that assists in reducing the risk of injuries in the future. The apparatus utilizes bars, pulleys, springs and straps and can be adapted to over 500 different exercises. It’s appropriate for those who don’t have the core strength for intensive mat Pilates.

The clinical and equipment Pilates offered by the Adelaide physiotherapist provides a wide range of therapies for those with injuries, who need rehabilitation, have mobility issues, and a wide variety of chronic conditions. The therapies align the spine, strengthen the core, improve overall physical conditioning and enhances sports performance. These therapies can also be combined with remedial massage Goodwood to create a more holistic treatment plan.

Practice Website Design specializes in practiceedge healthcare digital marketing, providing them with the strategies, techniques and tactics that assists them with new patient acquisition, patient retention and increased referral rates. A medical practice relies on its client base for growth and the company’s search engine optimisation (SEO) helps accomplish those goals.

SEO encompasses multiple methods that direct search engines to a particular website when someone conducts an online search. The higher a website ranks in search results, the more likely a person is to visit it. People perceive businesses that are ranked highly as the most credible and trustworthy.

The most elaborate website in the world won’t be seen without the use of SEO techniques. SEO for health professionals is a very specific field that requires an extensive knowledge of the profession and techniques that will work best for a particular practice. There are many components to SEO, but all are focused on three basic goals:

  • Creating high-quality content
  • Building quality links
  • Analyzing and adjusting techniques as required

While that may sound easy, healthcare SEO for health professionals requires extensive research and careful attention to detail. The same techniques won’t work equally well for every medical website. Sites by Practice Website Design provide clients with Google analytics that provides data about how the client’s site is performing in multiple areas.

The firm understands that each client has different requirements and customizes sites to accommodate those needs. The company’s services are equally suited to practitioners launching their first practice and clinicians with established clinics and websites. Practice Website Design transfers and hosts existing websites, enabling clients to retain their domain name and branding.

SEO encompasses multiple processes and emphasizes quality content. The firm provides professionally written content and clients can submit their own materials. Social media connections, responsive design, link building and keyword selection are all elements that the company employs to get practices noticed.

The SEO for health professionals offered at Practice Website Design allows clinicians in all medical fields to stand out from the competition. The company specializes in medical websites for all branches of medicine, with websites completed within 7 to 14 days.

For more information, contact Simon by phone at 03 9712 0723, via email at [email protected] or visit Practice Website Design online.

When you need efficient and effective podiatry services in Sandringham be sure to check us out at Melbourne Podiatrist.  We tackle both preventative and rehabilitation care in order to get you back on your feet.

healthy feetRemarkable Staff
The practitioners of the Foot Clinic are highly trained professionals under the guidance of Christopher Wheeler, an accredited podiatrist with an impressive 25 years of practical experience. The staff is knowledgeable, accommodating, and employs a wide variety of treatment techniques. The excellent service by the Foot Clinic has had their patients talking, thus winning them a 2013 Online Word Of Mouth Award.

Types Of Care
The Foot Clinic separates its care into four categories – preventative care, injuries, skin conditions, and nail conditions. Preventative care encompasses balance training to care for children’s feet, reduce the incidence of falling, and care for diabetic feet to avoid the common problems that can occur. It can also address fragile feet, pigeon toes, pronation, and working feet, before a problem occurs which is the best way to tackle a problem. Injuries include instances where pain occurs, includes sports injuries and aching feet. Skin conditions take on corns, blisters, warts, and other such problems. Lastly, nail conditions include fungal, ingrown toenails, and unusually thickened nails. As you can see, the Foot Clinic has you covered in just about any foot related ailment!

Stepping Forward
The services offered to you will depend on which treatment plan is most fitting for your particular problem. Video gait analysis is useful to identify problems that occur while a person is walking, running, or otherwise engaging their lower limbs. Athletes can find performance enhancement services, or injury care from overuse. Shockwave therapy is used to increase blood circulation during the healing process. For nail conditions nail surgery is a viable option. Orthotics are prescribed and some prefabricated ones are sold on-site too.

There are so many condition afflicting lower limbs, yet we require them to function just to engage in our daily life and get back to our usual passions, like sports or team activities, or even just playing with our children. When you need to get back on your feet do not delay, contact the Brunswick Podiatry clinic for more information and feel the difference today.

When you need to look your best the folks at Evercare Dental can help. After all, our teeth do not always cooperate, do they? Yet there is no reason to sit idly by if you are unhappy with what your mirror throws at you.

Porcelain-VeneersBeautify Yourself
Sometimes you find yourself needing to improve your smile. Perhaps due to stains on teeth, receding gumlines, or a chipped tooth. However, cosmetic dentist Eltham is not just about getting you beautified. Accidents happen to anyone, at anytime. Tripping, falling, and chipping a tooth is a common occurrence that is liable to happen to anyone. Sometimes dental cosmetology is not meant to be an improvement, sometimes it’s about getting you back to looking like yourself!

Methods Of Cosmetic Dentistry
Evercare Dental offers three methods of dental cosmetology; teeth whitening, veneers, and dental bonding. Their teeth whitening services can be done at the office, for more complex teeth (like those discoloured following trauma), but most people find their take-home kit effective.

Fine Veneer
Evercare’s veneers are thin enough to comfortably fit over the front of teeth while being durable enough to last. Dental veneers Balwyn are used to hide chipped or misaligned teeth, as well as broken or stained teeth. They are made by taking impressions, creating a mold, and then using that to make an veneer. The porcelain veneers used by Evercare resist stains caused by drinking and smoking, unlike other veneer materials.

While bonding does cover the same problems as veneer it is a quicker process since they are not specially made in a lab. Bonding materials are applied directly to teeth, and are used to build them up in order to hide spaces between teeth, mask roots, enlarge small teeth, and protect teeth from future damage. They are an excellent way to improve your own smile.

Cosmetic dentistry gets you back to your old self, or better. You can get the smile you have dreamed of without much hassle, discomfort, or cost. For more information about the services offered at Evercare Dental visit them online.